When the Mavericks tip off tonight against the Washington Wizards, they’ll be debuting a new offensive scheme, but as Jason explained, people should expect growing pains.

As reported by DallasNews.com

“Kidd said the offensive attack fans see tonight is far from the polished product they should be watching in March and April. ‘There’s going to be some growing pains,’ Kidd said. But one aspect should be evident already – the motion in the offense. Kidd added: ‘If you’re not in shape, you’re going to get in shape because of the movement on offense.’”

From this point forward, however, No. 2 sees Dallas making great strides forward. He spoke glowingly about his relationship with Jason Terry — another player who loves to get up and down the floor — to the Star-Telegram:

”One of the best things that happened after I got here was that me and Jason (Terry) clicked right away…He got out and ran and got a lot of easy baskets. We kind of got away from the running game last year, but when we did run, Jason was one of my favorite targets. For me, just picking up what we learned from each other last year is going to help us.”

And while some critics of the Mavericks point out their smaller overall team size as a defensive disadvantage, J-Kidd plays to use Dallas’ quickness on the other end of the court.

"It can cause problems on offense for the other team, where they might have a bigger guard on Jason and you can cause problems that way."

After last year’s postseason, when Dallas really struggled down the stretch, Jason is also bent on returning what he considers an essential quality back to the team’s play: fun. As he explained to the Star-Telegram:

“If we can make the game as simple, as easy as possible, the game becomes fun and everybody starts enjoying it. It becomes contagious.”

Preseason for the Mavs starts tonight in Dallas. Tip off is 7pm and you can catch it on CSN.

Dallas Mavericks open preseason with Howard in spotlight (DallasNews.com, Oct. 6th, 2008)
Jason Terry should fit Dallas Mavericks new up-tempo style of play (Star-Telegram.com, Oct. 7th, 2008)


Ligula Urna Varius

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Curabitur In Tristique

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Nemis Un Omnis

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Suspendisse Voluptas

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam viverra euismod odio, gravida pellentesque urna varius vitae. Sed dui lorem, adipiscing in adipiscing et, interdum nec metus. Mauris ultricies, justo eu convallis placerat, felis enim ornare nisi, vitae mattis nulla ante id dui. Ut lectus purus, commodo et tincidunt vel, interdum sed lectus. Vestibulum adipiscing tempor nisi id elementu sadips ipsums dolores uns fugiats gravida nam elit vols nulla dolores amet untras sitsers.